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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Vocabulary Questions Asked in the Previous Years Paper - 03

Vocabulary Questions Asked in the Previous Years Paper - 03

SO (AUDIT), 2005

21. FATAL - Causing death / घातक - DEADLY
22. DOLEFUL - Expressing sorrow; mournful / शोकग्रस त - MOURNFUL
23. GRUFF - Rough and low in pitch / कठोर- ROUGH
24. FIDELITY - Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support / वफादारी - LOYALTY
25. INFRUCTUOUS - Fruitless, unprofitable / फलहीन - FRUITLESS

26. GARNISH - Decorate or embellish (something, especially food) / सुशोमित करना – ADORN
27. MENTOR - An experienced and trusted adviser / गुरु - GUIDE
28. SUPERSTITIOUS - Having or showing a belief in superstitions (a widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences, especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practice based on such a belief) / अंध विश्वासी - IRRATIONAL
29. RAVAGE - Cause severe and extensive damage to / the destructive effects of something / विध्वंस - DEMOLISH
30. SUCCESSIVE - Following one another or following others / क्रमिक - CONSECUTIVE 

Vocabulary Questions Asked in the Previous Years Paper - 02