Vocabulary Questions Asked in the Previous Years Paper - 01
SO(AUDIT), 1997
1. HARMONY / सामंजस्य - The state of being in agreement or concord – STRIFE / कलह
2. FETTER / बंधन - Restrain with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles- LIBERATE / स्वतंत्र करना
3. PARSIMONIOUS / मितव्ययी - Very unwilling to spend money or use resources – EXTRAAVAGANT / अपव्ययी
4. DENSE / घना - Closely compacted in substance – SPARSE / छिद्र
5. OSTRACISE / बहिष्कृत करना- Exclude from a society or group - WELCOME / स्वागत करना
6. LAMENT / विलाप- A passionate expression of grief or sorrow / a complaint - REJOICE / आनंद
7. MUTILATE / बिगाड़ना - Inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on - MEND / सुधारना
8. RELUCTANTLY / अनिच्छुक- With hesitation, doubt or dread – WILLINGLY / खुशी से
9. MYTH / ममथक - A widely held but false belief or idea - FACT / तथ्य
10. CONCILIATION / सुलह - The action of stopping someone being angry / placation – CONFRONTATION / मुकाबला