Sunday, October 20, 2019

River Terminology

The study of rivers is known as Potamology.

Alluvial means deposited by the river. Alluvial deposits consist of sand, clay, gravel and organic matter. Alluvial deposits form floodplains and deltas. They contain most of the world’s supply of tin ore, as well as, in some regions, gold, platinum, and gemstones.

Brackish waters
Water which is saltier than river water but less salty than sea water.

It is a triangular tract of deposits at the mouth of a river. It is composed of sands, silts and clay deposited by river water and is extremely productive agriculturally. Bird's Foot, Cuspate and Arcuate (fan-shaped) are the types of delta depending on the shape the river creates.

It is the place where the river meets the sea, also called the mouth of the river.

Also known as the source, headwaters of a river is the furthest place in that river from its estuary or confluence with another river.

Oxbow lake
An oxbow lake is a U-shaped body of water that forms when a wide meander from the main stem of a river is cut off, creating a free-standing body of water. This landform is so named for its distinctive curved shape, resembling the bow pin of an oxbow.

River Basin
It is the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries or in other words, the area of land from where the water flows across to a river. It is also known as the drainage basin. The area within the river basin is referred to as the catchment area.