Wednesday, June 12, 2019

List of Major Rivers of the World

List of Major Rivers of the World

1. Nile
Sources: Tributaries of Lake Victoria, Africa       
Outflow: Mediterranean Sea   
Approx. Length (km): 6,690            
2. Amazon
Sources: Glacier-fed lakes, Peru       
Outflow: Atlantic Ocean
Approx. Length (km): 6,296
3. Mississippi-Missouri-Red Rock
Sources: Source of Red Rock, Montana     
Outflow: Gulf of Mexico
Approx. Length (km): 5,970
4. Chang Jiang (Yangtze)
Source: Tibetan plateau, China
Outflow: China Sea
Approx. Length: 5,797 Km              
5. Ob
Sources: Altai Mts., Russia    
Outflow: Gulf of Ob      
Approx. Length (km): 5,567
6. Huang He (Yellow)
Sources: Eastern part of Kunlan Mts., West China       
Outflow: Gulf of Chihli 
Approx. Length (km): 4,667
7. Yenisei
Sources: Tannu-Ola Mts., western Tuva, Russia 
Outflow: Arctic Ocean   
Approx. Length (km): 4,506
8. Parana
Sources: Confluence of Paranaiba and Grande rivers   
Outflow: Río de la Plata
Approx. Length (km): 4,498
9. Irtish
Sources: Altai Mts., Russia    
Outflow: Ob River         
Approx. Length (km): 4,438
10. Zaire (Congo)
Source: Confluence of Lualab and Luapula rivers, Congo
Outflow: Atlantic Ocean
Approx. Length (km): 4,371
11. Heilong (Amur)
Sources: Confluence of Shilka (Russia) and Argun (Manchuria) rivers
Outflow: Tatar Strait    
Approx. Length (km): 4,352
12. Lena
Sources: Baikal Mts., Russia  
Outflow: Arctic Ocean   
Approx. Length (km): 4,268
13. Mackenzie
Sources: Head of Finlay River, British Columbia, Canada     
Outflow: Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean)        
Approx. Length (km): 4,241
14. Niger
Sources: Guinea 
Outflow: Gulf of Guinea
Approx. Length (km): 4,184
15. Mekong
Sources: Tibetan highlands   
Outflow: South China Sea     
Approx. Length (km): 4,023
16. Mississippi
Sources: Lake Itasca, Minnesota      
Outflow: Gulf of Mexico
Approx. Length (km): 3,779
17. Missouri
Sources: Confluence of Jefferson, Gallatin, and Madison rivers, Montana
Outflow: Mississippi River      
Approx. Length (km): 3,726
18. Volga
Sources: Valdai plateau, Russia       
Outflow: Caspian Sea   
Approx. Length (km): 3,687
19. Madeira
Sources: Confluence of Beni and Maumoré rivers, Bolivia–Brazil boundary
Outflow: Amazon River 
Approx. Length (km): 3,238
20. Purus
Sources: Peruvian Andes
Outflow: Amazon River 
Approx. Length (km): 3,207
21. Sao Francisco
Sources: Southwest Minas Gerais, Brazil  
Outflow: Atlantic Ocean
Approx. Length (km): 3,198
22. Yukon
Sources: Junction of Lewes and Pelly rivers, Yukon Territory, Canada
Outflow: Bering Sea     
Approx. Length (km): 3,185
23. St. Lawrence
Sources: Lake Ontario  
Outflow: Gulf of St. Lawrence
Approx. Length (km): 3,058
24. Rio Grande
Sources: San Juan Mts., Colorado  
Outflow: Gulf of Mexico
Approx. Length (km): 3,034
25. Brahmaputra
Sources: Himalayas      
Outflow: Ganges River  
Approx. Length (km): 2,897
26. Indus
Sources: Himalayas      
Outflow: Arabian Sea   
Approx. Length (km): 2,897
27. Danube
Sources: Black Forest, Germany      
Outflow: Black Sea       
Approx. Length (km): 2,842
28. Euphrates
Sources: Confluence of Murat Nehri and Kara Su rivers, Turkey     
Outflow: Shatt-al-Arab 
Approx. Length (km): 2,799
29. Darling
Sources: Central part of Eastern Highlands, Australia 
Outflow: Murray River  
Approx. Length (km): 2,739
30. Zambezi
Sources: 11°21'S, 24°22'E, Zambia  
Outflow: Mozambique Channel
Approx. Length (km): 2,736
31. Tocantins
Sources: Goias, Brazil  
Outflow: Para River      
Approx. Length (km): 2,699
32. Murray
Sources: Australian Alps, New South Wales       
Outflow: Indian Ocean 
Approx. Length (km): 2,589
33. Nelson
Sources: Head of Bow River, western Alberta, Canada 
Outflow: Hudson Bay   
Approx. Length (km): 2,575
34. Paraguay
Sources: Mato Grosso, Brazil 
Outflow: Parana River  
Approx. Length (km): 2,549
35. Ural
Sources: Southern Ural Mts., Russia        
Outflow: Caspian Sea   
Approx. Length (km): 2,533
36. Ganges
Sources: Himalayas      
Outflow: Bay of Bengal 
Approx. Length (km): 2,506
37. Amu Darya (Oxus)
Sources: Nicholas Range, Pamir Mts., Turkmenistan   
Outflow: Aral Sea
Approx. Length (km): 2,414
38. Japura
Sources: Andes, Colombia      
Outflow: Amazon River 
Approx. Length (km): 2,414
39. Salween
Sources: Tibet, south of Kunlun Mts.        
Outflow: Gulf of Martaban     
Approx. Length (km): 2,414
40. Arkansas
Sources: Central Colorado     
Outflow: Mississippi River      
Approx. Length (km): 2,348
41. Colorado
Sources: Grand County, Pennsylvania
Outflow: Mississippi River      
Approx. Length (km): 2,348
42. Dnieper
Sources: Valdai Hills, Russia 
Outflow: Black Sea       
Approx. Length (km): 2,284
43. Ohio-Allegheny
Sources: Potter County, Pennsylvania       
Outflow: Mississippi River      
Approx. Length (km): 2,102
44. Irrawaddy
Sources: Confluence of Nmai and Mali rivers, northeast Burma      
Outflow: Bay of Bengal 
Approx. Length (km): 2,092
45. Orange
Sources: Lesotho 
Outflow: Atlantic Ocean
Approx. Length (km): 2,092
46. Orinoco
Source: Serra Parima Mts., Venezuela       
Outflow: Atlantic Ocean
Approx. Length (km): 2,062
47. Pilcomayo
Sources: Andes Mts., Bolivia  
Outflow: Paraguay River        
Approx. Length (km): 1,999
48. Xi Jiang (Si Kiang)
Sources: Eastern Yunnan Province, China
Outflow: China Sea      
Approx. Length (km): 1,989
49. Columbia
Sources: Columbia Lake, British Columbia, Canada    
Outflow: Pacific Ocean  
Approx. Length (km): 1,983
50. Don
Sources: Tula, Russia   
Outflow: Sea of Azov     
Approx. Length (km): 1,968
51. Sungari
Sources: China–North Korea boundary     
Outflow: Amur River     
Approx. Length (km): 1,955
52. Saskatchewan
Sources: Canadian Rocky Mts.        
Outflow: Lake Winnipeg         
Approx. Length (km): 1,939
53. Peace
Sources: Stikine Mts., British Columbia, Canada        
Outflow: Great Slave River     
Approx. Length (km): 1,923
54. Tigris
Sources: Taurus Mts., Turkey
Outflow: Shatt-al-Arab 
Approx. Length (km): 1,899