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Friday, October 26, 2018

One Liners - Geography 01

One Liners - Geography 01

  • Under which climatic conditions do the laterite soils develop? Wet Tropical Climate
  • Which soil is very hard to cultivate? Sandy soil
  • In which State is the Guru Shikhar Peak located? Rajasthan
  • Which planet is known as veiled planet? Venus
  • Earth takes time, revolution around the sun is ?  365 days, 5 hrs, 48 min and 45.51 sec
  • Which is the largest freshwater? lake in the world? Lake Superior
  • The largest delta in the world is ? The delta of Ganga
  • Which Strait which separates Asia from North America? Bering strait
  • Which biome has the highest species diversity? Tropical Rain Forests
  • Closest star of Solar System is ? Proxima Centauri